Saturday, August 11, 2012

Tsugaru Kokeshi Museum


     If you’ve been in Japan for any amount of time, you have probably noticed a popular souvenir called the Kokeshi doll. For doll collectors and fans of Japanese tradition, the Kokeshi Doll Museum in Kuroishi is an interesting and fun venue. DSC_9407

     The museum was the first stop on a recent ITT trip. The path leading up to the museum is aligned on either side with shops selling local crafts, restaurants, and artisan workshops.


     At the very head of the path is a foot onsen. Great for relaxing tired feet and a good start for those of you who are too shy to go to a full onsen! Smile The water here is VERY hot so, be warned!



     At the end of the path and around the corner is the actual doll museum. Visitors can see an exhibition of 11 types of traditional kokeshi dolls found nationwide, as well as watch craftsmen create Kokeshi dolls. I believe the actual museum costs ¥300. We didn’t go to the actual museum because…..



we were too busy painting our own Kokeshi dolls! That’s right, at the museum  you can sign up to paint your own Kokeshi doll however you like. The teacher will give you some guidelines to follow if you want to go the traditional route but you can be as creative as you want! Check out our designs below!



Tsugaru Kokeshi Museum

TEL: 0172-54-8181

ADDRESS: 72-1 Tomiyama, Fukuro-aza, Kuroishi City

ACCESS: Car: approximately 10 minutes from Kuroishi IC

         Train: approximately 10 minutes from Kuroishi Station on foot

         Hours: 800-1800 ( in winter)open from 0900-1700

         Closed: January 1

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